Friday, 27 April 2012

This is the newly created official ESOCS CHURCH WEBSITE, click on the link and hv a glance on the website. The new official ESOCS CHURCH FB ACCT, {Aladura Esocs-holyorder } plz let us all as members of ESOCS CHURCH endevour 2mak friendz wit dat acct. The new official email addrex of the church {esocsinfo@esoc} 4suggestions & comments on hw 2move the church 4ward, send a mail 2 that email adrex. ESOCS CHURCH is moving 4ward 2 a gr8ter height, may God bless us all. ESOCS - Home

Dis video was compiled by our gr8 bredthren who are based in 1 of our branches in Dallas U S A. Plz hv a view of d video. Am a Cherub 4 life...

They have attacked THISDAY to prove that there is no DAILY TRUST for security. THE NATION is in fear, no confidence in the LEADERSHIP of our land, who is losing their DAILY INDEPENDENCE. We know we have a GUARDIAN who is also our VANGUARD. We believe in our God despite the PUNCH on our faces and as the DAILY SUN rises, so our God shall rise against them, He will hunt them until they confess to be NEW NIGERIAN(s) on CHANNELS news. Gentlemen of the press this is the HARD TRUTH but God is our TRIBUNE! Who will lead us to a NEW ERA. Goodmorning

Friday, 13 April 2012


And the Lord said unto Wenger,
“Behold I have heard your cry and indeed I have seen the works of the Mancites, the Manuzites, the Chelshites and the Tottentites. I have seen how the Mancites have put their trust in filthy mammon.. I will permit them for this season. I have alsoseen how the Manuzites lean on the arm of Ferguson… I will pity them also for a seasonmore. However the sin of the Chelshites andthe Tottentites are beyond pardon. The Chelshites have made gods of their old prophets and have not allowed my young prophets to prosper… Europa league is theirdue. But the Tottentites have vexed me most of all. They have made proud boasts of their skill and their pacy wingers. They have taunted their better rivals and kicked them even as they lay on the floor, as if theydid not know that Fabregas had returned tothe land of his birth and Nasri had moved on to the land of oil and gold. For this sin, I have instructed mighty angels to seal up the goal post of all their opponents on every pitch of play. In vain will Bale shoot, for nought will Lennon sprint. Their midfield will wallow in confusion, even as their defence swims in goals. Their lot shall be with those who lie behind those who qualify for Europa. When these things happen, Arsene my professor child, be aware and know that I am the source of your success, but also endeavour to buy Podolski, Goetze and Vertoghen. And endeavor to re-sign Van Persie. If you do this then next season the drought of trophies that has assailed you will end. I have spoken”

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


every often we can see potentials in people,telling them what they can become,one of our assignment in life is to call out peoples potential by talking 2 them into becoming great in life,there are people in your life waiting for your encouragement, waiting for your words of blessings, to enable them build their confidence in life.
we all need somebody to believe in us more than we believe in our self, be that blessing to someone today,every person has seeds of greatness, you can talk someone into becoming a blessing in life, use your word to transform someone, just one word of encouragement from you can change a persons life for don't know the impact your word has in the life of people,don't ever tell anyone they are slow,do not tell anyone they are useless, ought to encourage them, tell them they are great, tell them you know they will make themselves proud and make their family proud, say this words to call out the greatness in them, stair up the gift in them with your words, people rise to the level of our expectation.
some people hav never been told they are great and they can make themselves proud in life;such people need to be encourage with our words,tell them they can make it in life, give them reason why they can make it...people are already beating down by life, they are already talked down enough by people, so its time we stair up such lifes by encouraging them with our words of greatness,do not see the bad habit in people,see the best in them, you must understand this today;a lot of people you and I see as bad people in life;are not really bad, but the things of life has draged down their destiny, so its left for you and I to talk those destiny into rising up again, God has given us the power to raise people, there is so much power in our words, do not write people off, get them close to you and talk them into being great, when you talk them down you push their destiny down the drain, please lets use our words to lift people, lets stop telling people what they cant become and what they cant do...let stair lifes up with our words today....Be nice, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle 2 succeed in life. Encourage someone 2day 2 gr8 2ru u.